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Thank you!

We’ve got your request and we’re on it! We’ll confirm the date and time of your installation at least 4 business days before the meter exchange date via email or phone if an appointment is required.

What to expect on the day

The meter exchange will be carried out by a registered metering technician and will take between 45 minutes to 3 hours depending on how difficult the work is at your property.

Other than that, there should be no other disruption to you.

If the technician can’t access your property on the day or come across site issues that prevents the works proceeding then we’ll reach out to discuss next steps.

You have POWER

Use the Powershop app to track your energy usage, to help you use less and spend less.

Powershop app showing usage graph

Track Usage

Monitor your usage to better understand your energy habits.

Energy History

View your energy rates and usage history.

Pay your way

Pay for power in advance or purchase GreenPower.

Meter read

Enter a meter reading to keep your estimates accurate.

Try the demo today:

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