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Our energy prices are changing

We recognise the changing cost of your energy may be difficult and we’re here to provide support to our customers. This page has all the important information about our price changes.

Customer FAQs

When will prices change?

It depends where you are, and what kind of energy you’re using with Powershop.

In New South Wales, Queensland or South Australia

  • If your Electricity or Gas offer is changing, prices will change either on 1 July 2024 or 1 August 2024. Refer to your price change email.

In Victoria

  • If you're on our Electricity Victorian Default Offer, prices will change on 1 July 2024.

  • If your Electricity or Gas offer is changing, prices will change on 1 August 2024.

Will I receive notification in advance of a price change?

We’ll send you an email about a price change at least five business days before it happens (or 10 business days before if you’re in Queensland). In Victoria, the email includes a comparison of your new and existing prices, and an estimate of the dollar impact of the change, based on your past usage.

If we can’t reach you via email, we’ll send the information via mail.

Were customers who signed up recently told there’d be a price change?

If you signed up in the month before the price change date, you would have been informed about the upcoming price change by our customer team.

Why is my solar feed-in tariff changing?

Changes in solar feed-in tariffs can be generally attributed to the supply and demand dynamics of the wholesale energy market during periods of solar generation. We update our feed-in tariffs from time to time and take into account the cost of the wholesale energy during those time periods. Having your own solar generation is a great way to help reduce your overall bill. Also to note, in Victoria the minimum feed-in tariff rate is set by the Essential Services Commission and is 3.3c/kWh for flat rate tariffs effective from 1 July 2024.

How often do energy prices change?

In the four states Powershop operates in, there is generally one price change a year for both Electricity and Gas, which occurs mid-year.

If you are on a standing offer, these prices can be changed no more than once every six months.

How often are energy bills sent?

It depends which kind of energy you have. For Electricity, you are billed monthly.

For Gas in NSW, you are billed quarterly. For Gas in Victoria, you are billed every two months. If you are a business customer, you can request quarterly bills.

You can also top up your account whenever it suits – come bill time, any credit in your account will go towards your bill.

How can I budget to pay my energy account?

You can use the app or website to top up your account as you go, paying when it works for you.

If you’d rather make smaller payments each fortnight, for example to match payment cycles, there is the option to do that. When your power bill is due, any credit already paid will automatically be deducted from your charges – which can be a big help with minimising bill shock.

What can I do if I’m having trouble paying my bill?

There’s a whole range of things we can do to help – including setting up a payment arrangement that fits your situation, and making sure you’re getting any government concessions, rebates or grants you are entitled to. Here are some examples of ways we can help:

  • flexible and extended payment arrangements

  • tailored payment plans

  • relief offers

  • hardship program

  • info on government and non-government assistance programs

  • info and tools to help you lower your energy usage

If you are struggling to pay your Powershop energy bills – for any reason – email us at paymenthelp@powershop.com.au or call 1800 515 313.

How can Powershop support me?

We’re here to inform. We’ll always work hard to make sure you can make informed decisions about your energy, and we’re committed to giving you the important info in the clearest way possible.

We’re here to provide support. If you’re having trouble paying your Powershop energy bills – for any reason – contact us via email or phone.

We’re here to provide options. We’ve got tools to help you better understand and control your usage and budget, like our app and online portal.

We’re here to answer questions. Changing prices can be a bit confusing but we’re here to help explain.

How can I find out more about the Energy Bill Relief Fund?

The federal government is partnering with states and territories to help with Electricity bills for eligible households and small businesses.

You can get more details on the relief fund here.

Sign up in minutes

Compare electricity and gas deals and see all of the other details you need to know. To sign up online, visit our plans page.