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Why choose Powershop for your business?

Make the switch to a small business energy and enjoy reliability and award winning customer service!

Infographic showing how buying GreenPower from Powershop helps investment in renewables

GreenPower for business

Powershop is dedicated to sustainability and protecting our environment. One of the best things you can do to support renewable energy development in Australia is to purchase GreenPower.

By purchasing GreenPower you are displacing your electricity usage with certified renewable energy that has no net greenhouse gas emissions, this is done in the form of Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs). The government-managed GreenPower Program independently audits us each year to ensure this is the case.

When you purchase 10% or more of your business’ annual electricity consumption as GreenPower, you’re eligible to use the GreenPower Customer Logo on marketing materials to promote your commitment to reducing your business’ impact on the environment.

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