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10 tips to make moving a breeze

4 min read

December 9, 2019

Let’s face it. Your new home is super exciting, but the moving part is not. Here are ten little tips to help make moving easy as.

books, beach ball and a car fridge

1. Downsize and donate.

We know goodbyes aren’t easy, but chances are you have stuff that you’re not going to use at your new home. Show some love to your local op shop and donate.

toothbrush and towel - essentials when moving house

2. Pack some easy-to-grab essentials.

The last thing you want in the morning after your move is complete is to find your toothbrush missing and clothes in a box you’re too tired to locate. Packing a bag with essentials, a pair of clothes, and your favourite snacks is something you won’t regret.

flame lightbulb and water icons

3. Get your utilities connected.

Having your power connected before the move is handy, especially if you’re moving stuff at night. Powershop often do same day connections, but we recommend you give us two business days’ notice to make sure everything goes smoothly. Got any questions? Give us a call on 1800 462 668 between 8am to 7pm, Monday to Friday 8am – 7pm AEDT.

boxes packed for moving house with Powershop

4. Become a Labelling Wizard

Colour coding is great, but you can make things even simpler by labelling your boxes according to the room they’re supposed to go in.

take-away food when moving house

5. Trade a meal for some muscle.

Get your mates to give you a hand. A few beers and a couple of pizzas should be enough if they’re really your mates.

moving truck with 5 pink stars on the side

6. Find a good removalist.

If you have heaps to move, it’s likely that your friends will not be enough – so booking a good removalist makes sense. Make sure they’ve got insurance and read their terms and conditions. Booking an AFRA accredited removalist will help in case things go wrong.

lamp and Powershop pink chair with dolar signs on them - selling things when moving house

7. Start selling some stuff!

Moving can leave your wallet lighter, but that doesn’t necessarily have to be the case. Whether it’s a large sofa or a television you hardly ever use, selling items that you won’t need at your new place is a good way to get some extra cash. Organising a garage sale and posting on Gumtree and Facebook groups are your best bets.

pot plants in Powershop coloured pots, ready for moving house

8. Be careful with your plants.

Having your lovely indoor plants at your new home can evoke a feeling of warm familiarity, but moving exposes them to the risk of getting hurt. Try moving them on your own and in a temperature controlled environment (like your car) to keep them happy.

drawing of desktop computer with cables coming out the back

9. Take a snap of your electronic cables.

Connecting your devices to the right cables can be quite a struggle. You can easily fix that by taking photos of your devices and how the cables are connected to them before the move.

10. Make sure your mains are turned off.

Check with your real estate agent or go to your new place to check that your mains are turned off before getting power connected. For safety reasons, your distributor will not be able to do their job if the mains switch is turned on, and you could be charged extra if you forget.

When you are ready to move house and connect your electricity or gas, you can see pricing and schedule a connection date by viewing our energy plans.